kindness will release the golden light

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Hamha (that means hello in hamster), my name's Leaf! (he/they/she) My biggest passion is the monster befriending genre, but I also have a knack for mystery visual novels. Bonus points if there's a time loop involved; I'll probably be there. I'm extremely bisexual and I hope it shows. I keep falling for characters that wear glasses and/or have hero complexes with self sacrifical tendencies. This does not look like it will change any time soon. I'm doomed.

Site Updates

(Written MM/DD/YY, organized most recent first)

• 8/23/24: Happy birthday Temari!!!! ❤❤❤ I started working on the layout for this site over a year ago and I still don't really know what I'm doing but I should like. Start to put actual content on it lol. I've been working on my giant ShikaTema analysis for a while and it's almost done, wish I had it ready for your birthday but it'll be soon!!

If you like any of the content on this site, please feel free to click this to award me with an internet! (I used this site in 2009 and, against all cultural relevance, it is somehow still up and functional lol)